Saturday, December 30, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Friendship is Precious
A friend is someone who knows and understands you,
Sometimes, even better than you do
He is that special someone on whom you can count
To save you from yourself and from your blunt
Friends are special gifts from God,
They're destined to change whom we are forever
As precious as they are, nothing can take their places ever,
Because of the memories they write on our hearts
Your friend is the person that embraces your weaknesses,
Encourages you to go for what your heart desires
Friends provide us with that special companionship
Which keep driving us to our championships
How inconceivable, the quality times we share with friends,
And how indelible; those moments lasting lifetimes.
How immeasurable, the support we have from friends,
And how much more it means when they are gone.
A friend is an irreplaceable element of life;
That well seasoned ingredient which makes life, live-worthy
People find theirs in many things other than the human family
But no friendship can be compared to that of humans
So if you ever found a friend,
Please do everything you can to keep it alive
Because a friend is the best gift life ever have
And it's the force that keep the human family thriving.
©2017 Simon K. Amu
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
He'd See Us Through
Sinks deeper than deepest,
Because His graceful wings
Spread across every field,
And because His merciful arms
Reaches every edge of the Earth,
He'd always see us through!
The fast days,
The slow months and
The long years
Through the lime lights,
The dark nights and
The blissful twilights
Through the fears,
The pains and
The failures
The Good Lord,
Will always see us through
To yet another beautiful end of year
Many are those who made it,
But in hopeless conditions
Many are those who made it with nothing short of joy
And many are those who made it with a renewed spirit
Because, the Lord did saw us through
Before our enemies and frenemies,
We soar like eagles in the wild
Because the Lord is our guide
We conquer without fear,
Because He's in our Spear
And we trod in peace fro and to
Because He'd always see us through
And things run out of control,
We still have the Rock of Ages!
We still have the Conquering Lion
He'll fight our battles without iron.
For He promised to see us through
Monday, December 25, 2017
Life is like a mirror, it reflects back to you how you live it.
You reap what you sow.
If you dig a trap-pit, you shall fall in it.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Is the Universe Our Friend?
They say my shoes are old and blown
Yet, they never get me another one
They say I lack a home of my own
And that I may never drive a car of my own
Because I have holes in my shirts,
And that I sleep on the street,
They call me a misfit
And learning that very much, hurts
No one knows my story
How much suffering I deal with
No one cares about my pains
And for that alone, I am very sorry
You change your clothes everyday
And I am your witness
You buy new mansion everyday
And I have the street to impress
Maybe I just have to accept,
That the universe is not my friend
That whatever I desire for my sect,
She'd always conspire to destroy
I'm just another street boy in the press
With another touching story to tell
So if you think I'm not trying to impress,
Wait until you hear me ring my bell.
Credibility for the street seems too expensive
But with nothing more to live for,
I'm living to defend its last worth
Like the last man standing after the great walls fall.
Mysterious Death
Death, oh mighty death!
How mysterious your reign on earth,
That nothing living today can miss,
No wonder, you have earned your name
How cruel of you?
How unmerciful of you!
And how aggressive of you!
You alone takes what belongs not to you,
But yet, goes scot-free
You alone honors invitation not extended to you
You break the heart of people
Yet still, you answers to no man
You have no respect for age nor class
And the victims you prey on seem defenseless
Against your painful sting
You are deaf to the plea of the innocent
Reaping where you never sowed
You are like the thief that comes in the night
To steal what's dear to the heart of its owners
You destroy families and species
And you are the prime threat to our survival
Please there is only one thing you must know,
You can't continue like this forever
There is a Force that transcends your abilities
Your time of reign shall soon come to pass
And you shall be dead, like really dead
You shall be dead never to die again
And the human family will live never die again
© 2017 Simon K. Amu
Eulogy to Singapore
Singapore! Oh, Akuvi, why you?
You make me weep! I cry and I mourn.
Yes, for your lost, my good friend, Akuvi,
How depressed I became that dreadful morn,
When I first learnt you have left the living
My heart is since, heavily broken,
For your gentle soul, so stolen
Oh death! Look at me in painful surprise,
For the tragic lost of such an enterprise
My heart is bleeding; I'm filled with rage,
For the irreparable damage,
For the unbearable pain
And for the things I cannot explain
What happens to your big dreams?
Now that you have landed across the stream?
This isn't how anyone would've thought this.
But the Good Lord knows best, whatever it is.
Ooo how I wish you are just in a deep sleep,
That you will soon wakeup when the clock beeps.
Ohh, how comforted I would have been,
Because just like your mother, I'm deeply dying
Death is inevitable, it's every man's fate.
But no one thought you'll so soon be late.
Hmmmm, Singapore,
Though this agonizing, be your harsh demise,
My dear, be proud, for posterity'll endorse your enterprise
You were such a wonderful piece of life.
So may your journey across the stream be peaceful.
You were so adoring and tenderly accommodating.
So may you find rest in the bosom of the Almighty.
In loving memory of Setsofia Joyclyn Akuvi, a friend. #Painful_Memories
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