Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Through It All...

The street is not a place, you can just survive
It's mean for the fittest of the fittest to thrive
It's not a free sky for the birds to dive
You really must be in charge of your drive

The street is the place for the forsaken; the unwanted
It's where you find the shattered dreams; abandoned faiths
And it's also where you find the hopes
The hopes that have lost their opes

The street is a ruin; a mega mine ready to explode
Because we feel too much pain and suffering;
Too much violence and insecurity reloaded
And many have lost themselves in the offerings

But through it all, we will thrive to higher heights
To the ends only variants can reach from where we start
We will defile odds and redefine boundaries
And we will be okay like the clouds in the sky.

Through it all, we shall refuse to defuse
The sense of togetherness we feel
And through the pain and the sufferings,
We shall be called victors; the survivors. 

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