Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Tales of a Street Youth

I was told to learn to make it on my own
And it is the realest thing I have ever known

They say I am at liberty to dream as big as the Milky Way
But then, I will have to pave my very own way

The street is not just my home, though here I keep all what I own
It's where I have lived all my life, with my flesh and bone

Many call me names both to my credit and discredit
But I am more concerned about my scrip for edit

I have a different story to tell the generations to come.
I begun long time ago and this' how far I have come

From the getho where I was born and grown,
Where I have seen many slip down the throne

On your way through this age's wilderness,
In my shoes, you have more to lose than to gain

To make it in my world, you must be one in a million
And to keep it, you must be the first among the chosen

But those are not reasons enough for me to let go,
Especially, not when I still feel the need to flow

My case is not one you'll love to hear, not here
So I will keep the lead on the rest until a better year.

1 comment:

How Can I?

How can I?  How can I not be my self?  In a world where I cannot be anyone else?  How can I not do my best?  In a world where I cannot d...