Saturday, April 22, 2017

Shade of Greys

How I wish I am color green
To keep everything alive and lively
Just as the green forests
That keep the wild

How I wish I am color red,
To keep everything warm and warmly
Just as the mighty sun
That lights up the Earth

How I wish I am color blue,
To keep everything bliss and blissful
Just as the blue sky
That mothers the clouds

How I wish I am color yellow,
To keep everything cheer and cheerful
Just as the golden stuff
That makes many things glitter

But I learned I am not a color,
Not orange, violet nor pink
I am not indigo nor any other
I am just a shade of greys

I am not exactly white,
So I wont bow to your threats
And I am not exactly black
So please dash away your fears

I am just a shade of greys
Splitting your world into two
Not into right and wrong though
But into that you and this me

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