Sunday, November 26, 2017

When I Die?

If I have the power to choose,
When and how I will love to die,
I am not sure what I will decide
Because life is too precious to lose
She is so feeble and fragile so that,
The living cannot help beyond breathe
And the dead cannot help behind
So if I can decide when and how,
I will still be able not to choose either
I will only choose to live,
I will love to live till I just can't anymore
I will ask for health and strength
I will live my life being just and fair
I will live adding pebbles of beauty
To the sand dunes by life's plunge pool
I will strive to be more than normal,
I will defend and perpetrate nature
And I will fight to save humanity
I will in my own little ways and means
So posterity will be my witness,
On the very day I'd depart
I will have no worry,
Not about how soon I'd be forgotten
Nor about what my inactions result
Except for one thing, yes for one thing
I will be sorry for those who loved me
I will be worried for not telling them
What they meant to my life

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