Sunday, December 24, 2017

Eulogy to Singapore

Singapore! Oh, Akuvi, why you?

You make me weep! I cry and I mourn.
Yes, for your lost, my good friend, Akuvi,
How depressed I became that dreadful morn,
When I first learnt you have left the living

My heart is since, heavily broken,
For your gentle soul, so stolen
Oh death! Look at me in painful surprise,
For the tragic lost of such an enterprise

My heart is bleeding; I'm filled with rage,
For the irreparable damage,
For the unbearable pain
And for the things I cannot explain

What happens to your big dreams?
Now that you have landed across the stream?
This isn't how anyone would've thought this.
But the Good Lord knows best, whatever it is.

Ooo how I wish you are just in a deep sleep,
That you will soon wakeup when the clock beeps.
Ohh, how comforted I would have been,
Because just like your mother, I'm deeply dying

Death is inevitable, it's every man's fate.
But no one thought you'll so soon be late.
Hmmmm, Singapore,
Though this agonizing, be your harsh demise,
My dear, be proud, for posterity'll endorse your enterprise

You were such a wonderful piece of life.
So may your journey across the stream be peaceful.
You were so adoring and tenderly accommodating.
So may you find rest in the bosom of the Almighty.

In loving memory of Setsofia Joyclyn Akuvi, a friend. #Painful_Memories


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