What if tell you it is never going to be too late for you to bake your bread? What if I tell you it's never too late to start whatever it is that you must in order to set your woods ablaze? And what if I tell you that it's not a contest, not a drama and not comic but rather, reality; what we live alive? Will you be discouraged if I tell you it's not easy even for those you envy? Will you be willing to take a pause and rescind some decisions if I tell you not all that glitters are gold? And will you not nag, but sigh, will you not frown, but smile if I tell you about how many must fail even at the hundredths attempt because of obvious reasons?
Well, I am not telling you all that to make you lose hope in your rope because you have power in you, more than anyone can estimate. Listen to that silent vibration deep in you, it is called zeal and it is your call to be that which you have always pictured. You have the desire, let such be your urge and turn that into the surge that will merge your edges for the better. Nothing good doing is ever too late to be done and that means now is the right time if you still can. Do not let what the society says be your driving force, not everyone believe in miracles. While dreams may forever remain rhetoric, let your reality go beyond the physic.
For as many nos as you have received, attach ten times more yeses in your heart and put that into work no matter how small and trust me, your story will be glorious. It is but what your mind conceive, your heart believe and your hand works at that you can really achieve. Ask for guidance if you need knowledge, be diligent in all your dealings, be optimistic in all your doings and you shall attract good will to your coffers.
Nothing good doing is ever too late to do. So be ready to mend that heart you have broken, repair the frame you have damaged and heal the hurts you have inflicted. Do not let simple things like 'thank you', 'please I am sorry' and 'forgive me' depart from your mouth because they easily heals the wounds we cause others. Until you have become the figure in your dreams, they will remain but only dreams. See you on your climb up the ladder.
Simon K. Amu